Majority of successful projects like $BTC, $ETH, $LINK, $COTI, $DMG, $DAG, $QNT, $CHR, $LCX any many more have always experienced FUD.

The earlier you make a call the more FUD you have to fight because if everything is settled and safety the masses are in ->lower ROI

Why would people FUD? -Because envy, greed and fear are very strong emotions and the main driving forces!

Its one of these possibilities:
1st- want YOU to sell for their cheaper entry
2nd - protect their bags against competitors
3rd - help You (very rarely-humans are selfish)
Regarding the weak FUD attempt in general and esp. with $PIE iam just blown away by the stupidity of some fudders basically pure claims instead of facts!

If you want to debunk a project you need to put out bulletproof and based facts instead of random allegations!

1⃣ Screenshot of $PIE CEO's quote asking for scam ideas

->This pic was just a joke from CEO one year ago and was taken out of context to prove the own wild FUD theories.

If you are sane you would know there is no way a CEO would seriously ask for scam ideas publicly...
2⃣CEO deleting some of his tweets

->If people take obvious jokes and alike out of context to FUD your start-up what would you do?

Taking down some tweets is the logical approach imo

I dont even understand how this point can prove anything malicious..
3⃣Team has no experience because there is no github

->Its common in crypto to have a private repos especially in early stage nothing wrong with that!

On the other hand CTO of $PIE has proven to have dozen of years of experience with different programming languages
I have read through the FUD around $PIE on Twitter & TG and i can just suggest everyone to not believe blindly and check these allegation (not facts!)

From my view nothing has changed beside that iam now even more bullish for $PIE 💣

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