A long-awaited move, this is great!

Some of the highlights of the New Education 2020 policy include:

-overcoming the divide between science and arts streams through introduction of vocational subjects
giving merit based scholarships to BEd teachers and making sure there are more rural based female local teachers with incentives for them, like housing
-reducing the performance pressure aspect of boards and making it more learning oriented, reducing the coaching classes element
- steps to ensure teachers will be freed from non-teaching duties
-coding as a subject will be taught from secondary classes
-more autonomy for teachers
-more emphasis on research and introduction of international universities in the country with atleast one multidisciplinary college in every district
-more technology reliant teaching methods
-more vocational focussed training for school kids with emphases on hands on experience like gardening, artistry etc
-Indian Sign Language (ISL) will be standardised across the country
-no hard separation between science, arts, humanities, vocational and academic streams
-more focus on experiential learning and less on theoretical
- learning pedagogy will change to 5+3+3+4
There are so many more policies which make this a more humanistic move. Read this excellent thread by @anjela_taneja

https://twitter.com/anjela_taneja/status/1288501781715025921?s=21 https://twitter.com/anjela_taneja/status/1288501781715025921
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