The biggest lesson I’ve learned from this season. {Thread}
1. Listening to twitter

This is by far my biggest lesson learned from this season. On the many occasions I found myself in a dilemma between players I would ask for other’s opinions. And when people would confidently tell me one over the other I felt like ...
They knew something I didn’t. When in reality I’ve found that it was the opposite. Prime example was when we had Unlimited Transfers and I was stuck between Jota & Ings. People told me go for Jota, but that was because they completely overlooked Ings as an option...
Why should I give any credit to their opinion over mine when I’ve spent far more time weighing up the two options. I feel like this is something that we all fall victim of. We respect each other’s opinions in this community but maybe when it comes down to these intricate ...
Decisions we should really back our own thinking. Twitter is very useful for picking up information/data on players and teams. But once we have collected it all, along with our own eye tests, we should look to back ourselves in our decisions and not let others sway you...
You have no idea how much or how little they have seen of this player compared to you. We don’t know if they hold any biases or play a different way to you. Next season I’ll be looking to implement this logic of gathering as much data as possible but ignoring all opinions...
Of others when it comes to players and teams. I can save all that juicy stuff for myself. ✌️
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