Police are police.
Campus police are police.
Police w fancy names are police.
Police are police.

We'll sponsor comm/lang access for students' cross-language/community convos on this topic. Solidarity across identities+languages+campuses+mvmts is critical.

There are 18,000+ police depts in the US. #BlackLivesMatter addresses the fact that police "reform/accountability" efforts have done little/nothing to arrest police violence in Black/Indigenous/Brown/Disabled/Migrant/LGBTQ/Low-No Income/Houseless/Incarcerated/etc communities.
If you're on a campus & are practicing solidarity w #BLM, the call is NOT for more funding, training, tech for campus cops, but for less/none. Groups like @C_Resistance & #8toAbolition warn abt dangerous reformist reforms.This increases cop budgets when should be shrinking them.
Invest in students' not cops.

Now is the time to dream big! Imagine & create systems of health, healing, safety, that prevent & reduce violence & harm on campus in the first place.

HEARD encourages campus orgs to connect w youth organizers & other campus mvmt to #DefundPolice.
You can follow @behearddc.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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