The current publication model of #Science is in real trouble & our credibility is on the line

This is extremely serious

A modest proposal:

Is it time for an International Science Regulatory Agency that operates like a @UN specialised agency? [thread]
-Journals & archives would need to comply with it in order to be recognised, confronting the issue of predatory journals
-Arbitration of complaints could occur & journals who are repeat offenders & keep publishing fake/ bad science become blacklisted
-Countries would contribute funding to the agency & appoint representatives
-The agency serves to validate the seriousness of publications & compliance to charters (STROBE etc) instead of using the #ImpactFactor an opaque citation / click-bait metric run by **a private company**
I am no fan of bureaucracies & institutions, but we cannot continue like this. The market-place publication system is sending science & academia down the toilet

This affects *all of us* no matter what country or system we are part of & compromises real scientific progress
The broken system we're in now is destroying the credibility of #science in the public's eyes

It is also costing us our mental health

The strength it takes to stand against such a coercive system relies on collective action

I have never heard of this kind of agency or initiatives like it, which exist in other areas. I found this organisation:

The International Science Council 

But I had never heard of it & am not sure it serves the purpose I am advocating for
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