The President's beliefs have long been clear, but today he made the campaign strategy similarly clear: he is about "protecting" white people. It is a *White Nationalist* campaign. I'm sure as shit not going to sit silent while this is happening, because that is NOT my USA.
Whatever stories you tell yourself about why you support this President - working for his campaign, voting for him, etc. - they are lies. They are lies you've created to protect yourself from accepting what he's about.

Maybe you don't want to believe it's what you're about.
Tough shit. You're making your choice every day. You are choosing to reject everything this country is truly supposed to stand for. You are choosing White Nationalism (among so many other abhorrent things).

And yet it's July. There is still an opportunity here to simply leave.
I am not an idiot. I'm not naive. I understand that my tweets here won't change any hearts and minds in isolation. But groups of voices? That can make a difference. So let my voice be a part of that group, and a small part of any incremental: we cannot stand for this.
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