Thread: India’s cabinet amended the education policy after 34 years. #NEP2020 is apparently groundbreaking. I know NOTHING about it despite watching the news this evening. It’s shameful! 1/n
@navikakumar spent prime time news asking the friend of a deceased actor if he thought his friend died by suicide or murder. Medically proven records aside, which prove auicide, she wanted to know what his heart said. 2/n
@ndtv @IndiaToday replayed the radio conversation between the Rafale jets and INS Kolkata on loop. It’s a gracious message but look around folks - we’ve got serious news making stuff going on 3/n
I also know how many Brahmins will be at the foundation stone laying ceremony of the Ram temple. Who will chant what, the works. But still nothing on UP’s Covid numbers. 4/n
Rajasthan assembly cannot be convened because of the risk of Covid, but temples with multiple positive cases of priests and administrators don’t turn into containment zones. The news ‘debates’ don’t discuss the health hazard and social signalling challenges of this 5/n
Today is also International Tiger Day, and a few token tweets aside, the news hasn’t told its viewers anything about how the Environmetal Impact Assessment #EIA2020 draft proposed by @moefcc will adversely impact the tiger population and beyond. 6/n
The five Rafale planes that have dominated the news are an important addition to the @IndianAirforce and 10,000 crore of tax payer money made it possible. Super! We should discuss military strength and public spending on the news but not so much the real time location updates 7/n
But you know what else needs public money - the power sector with discom losses topping 100,000 crore; the central vista project - 20,000 crore planned spending; COVID-19 response - not liquidity, public spending!!! 8/n
So prime time tonight and really every night is a series of tiny boxes filled with people yelling or getting yelled at, raging flames at the bottom of the screen, tweet counts, and all out misinformation. 9/n
So #education experts on Twitter can you please tell me what the #NEP2020 is about? @Pratham_India @ccsindia @azimpremjiuniv @MonkeyBhaat @Nalanda2org @CSF_India Fin.
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