SWERFs, TERFs, Exclusionists, MRAs, Anti-Shippers - these are all manifestations of one mechanism allocisheteropatriarchy employs to defend itself against radical existential threats.

It all owes intellectual lineage to essentialist Second-wave Feminism and Cultural Christianity
Hierarchies feed on one another, and I'm sure we're all well aware of the ways in which toxic masculinity reinforces patriarchy and Capitalism, but totemizing women as perfect, pure and vulnerable is also dehumanizing, and also enables patriarchy, Capital and Fascism.
Deifying femininity as perfectly compassionate, warm and pure is a legacy of Cultural Christianity and is basically a roundabout way of reifying Patriarchy both because it excuses men of toxicity and violence, and justifies hostility against women who show 'essential masculinity'
SWERFs take this justification to dehumanize and infantilize sex workers as an extention of dehumanizing men.
TERFs take this logic to justify hating trans people either for being 'fake women' or for 'abandoning femininity'
MRAs just want to control women, totemizing 'protection'
Exclusionists and Anti-Shippers want to sanitize queerness, especially the expression of sexuality coming from queer people, for the sake of an imagined periallocishet audience. Part of this comes from a pressure to conform, but also from essentializing sexuality as impure/masc.
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