TW RACISM // when i was younger i would always lie about my heritage; i'd never say north african or middle eastern and like hell i wouldn't say jewish. i was scared when traveling, i would literally use a different name, anything i could do to not have others know where (1/?)
i am from. since then, my brother who lives in NYC still has to watch out to not speak in hebrew, and still uses a different name. is this 1939 germany or 2020? (2)
in recent years i started studying more about my culture. i was so extatic to learn about beautiful algeria and was (and still am) saddened to know what this beautiful place had done to my family, forcing them to escape in the back of a car, hiding with sheep (3)
all the way to israel, just so people wouldn't come after them for being jewish. unfortunately, even after their passing and years later, people are still questioning whether jewish people deserve to live or not. i am beyond heartbroken and more than anything alarmed by the (4)
fact that not one person in the public eye has spoken up for us like they do for BLM and Islamophobia. it's an awful feeling to carry, knowing others, all over the world believe we are some sort of subhumans that it's ok to kill and come after for fun (5)
i am immensely proud of being JEWISH. and i am still hopeful that people will start condemning this awful trend that is antisemitism. please stand besides us on august 18th and every other day. #NMA #NoMoreAntisemitism (end)
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