NEW DOCUMENTS obtained by #FOIA request indicate the US Border Patrol union—a pro-Trump, anti-immigrant extremist organization—provoked the agency to raid our humanitarian aid camp and clinic in 2017. The documents also reveal #BORTAC’s involvement in the raid (1/x)
The documents include an email to top level CBP commissioners, urging the agency to crack down on @NoMoreDeaths. While the sender is redacted, we deduce that the author is Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council and notorious anti-immigrant fanatic.
Their website is straight out of the Breitbart/Fox News playbook + is mostly unhinged statements from Judd like “Border Wall Only Humanitarian Way to Prevent Deaths like Migrant Girl” or “BP Agents have been unfairly attacked by radical groups!” 
“Trump has ratcheted up political ties to border patrol to another level,” @memomiller said... "These are his people.”

"Of the top 20 posts on its Twitter feed, all but three are retweets of Trump’s personal or campaign messages." ( @Edpilkington)
Not that Border Patrol wasn’t already destroying our water supplies, raiding our camp, intimidating our volunteers, harassing border residents, and abusing and killing people crossing the desert before Trump came to power. They definitely were...
No More Deaths has documented Border Patrol’s culture of cruelty for over 10 years. We will be releasing Part 3 of our latest report series, “Left to Die: Border Patrol, Search and Rescue, and the Crisis of Disappearance,” later next month.
“We were raising the alarm about it,” says @NewSanctuaryNYC’s @KajiDousa. “It feels like we’ve been screaming into a vacuum."

To the extent that there have been any radical shifts in the past few weeks it’s the fact “that white people are starting to care.”
Remember how US police emerged from slave patrols and the repression of labor strikes + riots?

How—as @prisonculture + others have explained—"There is not a single era in US history in which the police were not a force of violence against black people."
Well, Border Patrol has a similar legacy. As historian @GregGrandin explains.

Border Patrol's legacy of racist violence, murdering Mexicans, and inculcating agents into a culture that dehumanizes and abuses the undocumented is alive and well.
And Border Patrol's legacy of racist violence lives on...

Attacks against white humanitarians and white protestors is an escalation, not an aberration.
Full press release available here:

And keep an eye out for the forthcoming Part III of @NoMoreDeaths' DISAPPEARED report series:

Part III: "Left to Die: Border Patrol, Search and Rescue, and the Crisis of Disappearance.”
And a big thank you and shout out to @skittishprey and @MatthewStrugar for suing CBP and getting these documents released.

We suspect there will be much more to come...
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