Been thinking about the September return to #bced. A common teacher Twitter theme seems to express a degree of anxiety (rightfully) about what the return will look like. As teachers, we have trouble NOT thinking about our classes, even in summer. So I'm sharing some thoughts 1/
This isn't a "I don't know who needs to hear this" type of thing. I'm just a teacher like any other but maybe my thoughts help others make easier decisions. Regardless how my class has been structured, my degree of buy-in on Growth Mindset, Inquiry, Gamification, technology 2/
learning circles, trauma informed classrooms, push-in, etc, the starting point for the foreseeable future when I plan ANYTHING will not be pedagogically driven. My safety. The safety of my SEA team. The safety of my students. That is and will be my starting point. 3/
From how the room is organized to the types of learning activities used, it is all about SAFETY! If that means I don't get to interact with students the same way, then so be it. If it means that how my classroom is structured, or the types of lessons I use changes, oh well. 4/
I want everyone who calls my classroom home to leave healthy. So if it means reverting to some frowned upon pedagogy for the foreseeable future, then I am comfortable with that. Rows and worksheets aren't ideal. Our current circumstances are further from ideal. 5/
As professionals, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to perform and perform well. We want our students to succeed and are always looking to optimize how we deliver education opportunities. But we need to recognize the times for what they are. And forgive ourselves a little. 6/
We literally shifted from a 100% in-class model to a 85% distance learning model in the span of 3 weeks. With minimal training. Why? Because we are driven professionals who care. And it took a toll on many. The added stress of in-class learning for most in September is real. 7/ advise (take it for what its worth) is do your best in the current situation, which will not be the same as your best any other time. Take care of yourself. Make safety in your little corner of the school your priority. And the learning that does happen will be enough. F/
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