Examining the Government’s treatment of the Masked Man at the absolute center of #Spygate.
Following declassifications of Horowitz Report & Primary Sub Source interviews, @SergeiMillian has received renewed public focus.

This, one could argue, was an inevitable development, as Sergei occupies absolute CONTROL OF THE CENTRE of the Spygate chessboard.
Horowitz obliquely illuminates this reality by way of disjointed comments & footnotes that relate to a CENTRAL PLAYER within the Crossfire investigation that is a USIC KNOWN ENTITY that nevertheless shall NEVER BE DISCUSSED in any meaningful detail within the Horowitz Report.
Here we clarify 3 points revealed within Horowitz:

1) @SergeiMillian occupies unique centrality to Crossfire as documented by OIG.

2) Sergei suffers unique censorship/double-standards at hand of OIG.

3) Treatment by Gov is slanderous, self-serving, identical to @carterwpage.

Sergei maintains overwhelming centrality to Crossfire investigation easily eclipsing any other potential targets, including targets such as @carterwpage & @GenFlynn, who were eventually fired upon.

Chronology of accusations leveled against @SergeiMillian:
ACCUSATION 1: On Aug 22 Glenn Simpson alleged to Bruce Ohr that @SergeiMillian was both a SVR “intermediary” and also a key sub-source of Steele Dossier. Horowitz p274
ACCUSATION 2: On Sept 23 Christopher Steele alleged to Bruce Ohr that Sergei Millian was connected to the burgeoning Alfa Bank scandal, which was an alleged SVR communications channel. Horowitz p274
ACCUSATION 3: On 3 Steele alleged to FBI that @SergeiMillian was a key sub-source that provided the most descriptive information of alleged coordination between @carterwpage and Russia, and on Oct 21 the FBI repeated the same to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court p163
ACCUSATION 4: In Mar 2017 the Primary Sub-Source alleged to the FBI that they received a telephone call from a person they believed was Sergei Millian. Horowitz fn345
ACCUSATION 5: In Feb 2019 @GeorgePapa19, the Crossfire "Predicate", alleged to the Washington Post that he believed @SergeiMillian was working to set him up on behalf of the FBI. (WaPo 02/7/19)
ACCUSATION 6: In Dec 2019 Inspector General Horowitz alleged to the Public that @SergeiMillian was “previously known to the FBI” and that he was also the “subject of an open FBI counterintelligence investigation”. Horowitz fn301/302
ACCUSATION 7: In Dec 2019 Inspector General Horowitz alleged to the Public that according to FBI documents @SergeiMillian “had historical contact with persons and entities suspected of being linked to RIS”. Horowitz fn302
THUS: @SergeiMillian is akin to Spiderman with webs over every possible corner of Crossfire.

Already we see at a glance that no other person can claim to be so exceedingly accused.
Notwithstanding @SergeiMillian's CENTRAL import to Crossfire, all of the most basic information about him remains nearly 100% walled-off from question or scrutiny by way of unknown justifications.

Let us now detail how Horowitz labors to not only conceal all details regarding “Person-1” aka @SergeiMillian, but he also subjects him to excruciating double standards that again only serve to highlight Millian’s unique Position.
DOUBLE STANDARD 1: @SergeiMillian is accused by @GeorgePapa19 of a SETUP exactly like Joseph Mifsud. For reasons not described, Horowitz is compelled to *verify* accusations against Mifsud whereas identical allegations against Sergei are simply never discussed and left to stand.
FISA. Horowitz verifies both comms & CONTENT of alleged Source 5 Sechin-bribe text, but offers no inquiry/discussion whatsoever regarding verification of mystery call or YouTube vid!
DOUBLE STANDARD 3: @SergeiMillian is accused of being the “most descriptive” SOURCE relied on in the FISA. Despite this fact, Sergei escapes any INTERVIEW by FBI as contrasted against Steele, Primary Sub-source (multiple interviews) and at least two other sub-sources.
DOUBLE STANDARD 4: Steele named @SergeiMillian to FBI on Oct 3, 2016 & he refused to disclose ID of PSS. Still, FBI is able to ID, locate, & secure PSS for interview in Jan 2017 while Sergei is left to prominently attend Trump’s innaug & connect w Papa WHILE UNDER INVESTIGATION.
DOUBLE STANDARD 5: @SergeiMillian is accused by Simpson & Steele of being RIS intermediary & Alfa-Bank connectivity. As contrasted against other FBI targets w/open cases, Horowitz refuses ANY discussion on merits or ANY mention of investigative steps taken re Sergei allegations.
DOUBLE STANDARD 6: @SergeiMillian is never identified BY NAME in Horowitz Report in contrast to all others targeted with CI cases, those accused of working for FBI by Papa, or other characters who have already been publicly named like Halper, Greenburg, Caputo, etc.
This is somewhat of a comic absurdity considering the ridiculously light masking, and the fact that (w respect to purported 'privacy' concerns) @SergeiMillian communicates with the public regularly on these very topics daily for nearly 2yrs.

Obfuscations, censorship, double-standards by Horowitz re: @SergeiMillian are slanderous, self-serving, fraudulent.

The treatment is identical in nature to that of @carterwpage.
The few admissions by DOJ & Horowitz regarding @SergeiMillian only slander HIM in scandalous ambiguity while cushioning Feds from questions or accountability.

The facts revealed do not serve @SergeiMillian or the Public.
DOUBLE STANDARD 7: @SergeiMillian is accused of being “previously known” by FBI & of having "open case & RIS contacts” fn302, which is an IDENTICAL DESCRIPTION of @carterwpage.

Despite the Siamese connection, we are denied NAME TRACE info that was CRITICAL to Page's case.
We know @carterwpage is formally redeemed of negatively connotative facts like being "previously known" to FBI with "RIS contacts" due to name-trace response by CIA.

It is absolutely germane to know what type of response a name trace action would yield on Sergei Millian.
As was with @carterwpage, every day that ambiguity is left to fester, @SergeiMillian's name is left to rot, at Government behest.

At least Carter was formally exonerated by Horowitz of the accusations leveled by the Federal apparatus.

Millian shares no such privilege.
In Horowitz Report, @SergeiMillian is orders of magnitude more central to Crossfire Hurricane & eclipses @carterwpage & all other targets as most 'credibly accused'...

... even while he is masked & all investigative details are walled off and kept secret. 🤔
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