Wrote out an absolute corker of a tweet thread in response to the muppets merrily googling the price of potatoes and the price of a bag of oven chips, and then accidentally refreshed the page and lost the lot. Gutted.
In summary: raw ingredients are indeed cheaper when you know what you're looking for and you know what to do with them.

Utensils however are VERY expensive, especially when you're just getting set up. And that's just for the basics. (Le creuset is a whole different deal).
If you want to make fun stuff like bread and cakes, that's even more of an overlay.

Cookbooks are also expensive, and there are so many good/bad/fad ones that it's soul destroying just trying to decide which one to start with.
Basically, don't patronise people when it comes to food, we're all just doing our best to get by (especially in the current financial climate) and if fish fingers and oven chips are the best, then it's still better than starving.
Better education needs to be provided sooner; for us food tech was optional alongside woodwork, electronics and graphic design - and I've definitely needed to know how to cook a meal far more than I've ever needed to know how to draw a toothpaste box (literally our project).
Education around nutrition is a different story that we'll do another time.

Education on how to construct a few meals though, is absolutely vital.

And fish fingers and oven chips occasionally is gr8.
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