I’m starting to see four or five different 2k theologies developing: Davenant, VanDrunen/WSC, Tuininga, GCC (Grace Community Church), and a Puritan Reformed.

We need to do some more work in distinguishing these.
Davenant Institute people think that Christ reigns as mediator over civil order. VanDrunen relies on purely natural principles and for some reason cannot have a conclusion/application with partially supernatural content.
Tuininga rightly emphasizes the visible church as the kingdom of God (pushing against the Davenant position). GCC has a sort of church/state view and the church reserves the right to override the state on matters pertaining generally to public associations.
Puritan Reformed rejects Davenant view of Christ as mediator over civil affairs, but thinks that applications of natural principles can contain supernatural (gospel) content. Hence, civil mag can protect the church to the exclusion of other religious associations.
Obviously there are some things to work out here.
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