Thread – A Report from the Bowels of the #Dementiacrat-controlled Federal Bureaucracy

1. Americans are fed up with the lies and scaremongering about the ChiCom virus from the #Dementiacrats and their lickspittle media.
2. The daily death rate in the US has been decreasing since mid-April, as this graphic from the CDC clearly shows (even including all the deaths falsely attributed to the virus!) When have you ever seen these stats in the legacy media?
3. The mortality rate is ALSO going down since with more people being tested, we are learning that many more people contracted the virus and were either asymptomatic or displayed mild symptoms.
4. More people tested and determined to have the virus coupled with a decreasing death rate equals a lowered morality rate. That’s GOOD NEWS, yet one never sees that discussed in the legacy media.
5. And then there are the continuing lockdowns of state and local economies by #Dementiacrat governors and mayors, as well as their selective targeting – for political reasons – of organizations they despise, such as churches and synagogues.
6. The federal bureaucracy has been knee-deep in propagating the fear-mongering, beginning with the fraudulent model that was trumpeted and used to shut down the economy in the first place. And that hypocritical fraud Dr. Fauxi has been all over the map on his recommendations.
7. Here is a report from a pal that provides some perspective on the federal bureaucracy involved in responding to the ChiCom virus:
7A. In my 8 years of working with the federal government – FDA, CDC, HHS, USDA and EPA on models for determining the impact of a bioterrorism attack on the food supply, I learned some very frightening facts.
7B. In FDA alone, 94% of the employees were/are registered Democrats. I suspect that the same is true in all of the other federal agencies. When a Republican President is in office, he/she is able to appoint only the top executives to leadership positions.
7C. The remainder of employees in these agencies do everything they can to undermine and obfuscate any executive decision and slow down/stop work to prevent the administration from making any significant progress against their objectives.
7D. This grim situation was shared with us by the Commissioner of FDA who spent most of his career in government service, serving under both Republican and Democrat administrations.
7E. So who did President Trump have to turn to in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic? Naturally, he would turn to CDC, Health and Human Services and FDA for “experts” to advise him.
7F. We always had our best cooperation with CDC, so we were extremely disappointed in their initial response to the pandemic.
7G. Their arrogance was on display when they insisted that only a test developed by CDC be used and it failed dismally within weeks when they could only test about 14 people a day with a wait time of 12 days.
7H. I thank President Trump for engaging the private sector for testing and vaccine development as that is the only way significant progress could be made as quickly as possible.
7I. Also against the recommendations of CDC and other “experts,” Trump stopped travel from China & ultimately the rest of the world very early in the pandemic, likely saving countless lives. You didn’t find anyone from CDC on Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force due to their blunders.
7J. CDC has an Epidemic Investigative Service that has been funded for years with offices all over the world including in China, who should have had very early knowledge of what was happening in Wuhan Province so they could warn the rest of the world.
7K. CDC appears to have aligned with the majority of their employees, the Democratic controlled House, and the mainstream media, who will do anything to politicize and panic the public with ongoing negative and confusing recommendations.
7L. After all, federal employees and tenured professors cannot be fired for almost any reason, and they know the fallout of their actions will hurt the President’s reputation for how “he” handled the pandemic.
7M. His recommendations for returning to school in the fall is a prime example. The press will milk this dispute for all its worth.
7N. The damage being done to our country is significant, but those who are causing the damage really don’t care because they have a higher calling. I don’t know how we stop this destruction, but we know we have to do something before it is too late.
8. Amen! The #Dementiacrat and media complex are adamant about keeping the economy and the country shut down through 3 November because they believe that provides them the best chance to defeat President Trump. No matter what the real virus stats are!
9. They don’t care one iota about the terrible impact of the shutdown on average Americans; all they care about is their own political power.
10. They would “reclaim their time” when their constituents call to complain if they could do away with it – shutting us down just like they did to AG Barr during yesterday’s star chamber hearing in which Barr was prevented from responding to all of their lies and smears.
11. Vote Red in November, friends! Vote Red because your life and the lives of your progeny depends on it. ///The end.
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