Pep Guardiol’s speech in 2008 when he joined FC Barcelona as a coach :: a thread ::
“I only ask this of you. I won’t tell you off if you misplace a pass or miss a header that costs us a goal as long as I know you are giving a 100 percent. I can forgive any mistake but I won’t forgive you if You don’t give your heart and soul to Barcelona.”
“I’m not asking results of you. Just performance. I won’t accept people speculating about performance, if it’s half hearted or people aren’t giving their all.”
“This is a Barca gentlemen this is what is asked of us and this is what I will ask of you. You have to give your all. A player on his own is no one. He needs his teammates and colleagues around him every one of us in this room, the people around you now.”
“Many of you don’t know me, so we will use the next few days to form a group, a family even. If anyone has any problems, I’m always available, not just in sporting matters but professional, family, environmental.”
“We are here to help each other and make sure there is spiritual peace so that the players don’t feel tension or division. We are one. We are not little groups because in all teams this is what ends up killing team spirit.”
“The players in this room are very good. If we can’t get them to win anything, it will be our fault. Let’s stick together when times are hard. Make sure that nothing gets leaked to the press. I don’t want anybody to fight a battle on his own.”
“Let’s be united, have faith in me. As a former player, I have been in your shoes, I know what you are going through, what you are feeling.”
“The style comes dictated by the history of this club and we will stay faithful to it. When we have the ball we can’t lose it. When that happens run and get it back. That is it basically.”
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