Nope, this is still wrong. Democrats are not a "center-right party" by any measure.

They are tied with the majority of European center-left parties on economic issues, and substantially MORE progressive than most European left parties on civil rights issues.
The Democratic Party is about as left-wing, in terms of its economic positions, as the Socialist Party of France, the Social Democratic Party of Germany, and the Swedish Social Democratic Labour Party. To call them a "center-right party" is laughable.
I know that it's fashionable for counterculture left-bros to claim "Democrats and Republicans are the same!"

But in terms of quantifiable differences in political positions, they are about as ideologically different as the British Labour Party and the Austrian Freedom Party.
Yes, there are substantially more left-wing parties than the Democratic Party. But it's pretty much bang in the median of left parties for developed countries, and in terms of issues like civil rights and immigration, it's one of *the* most forward-thinking parties in the world.
The truth is that Democrats just aren't as *effective* at promoting leftist policy as many parties in Europe, even though they have about the same ideological position, because the electoral system they're operating in is more flawed and their opposition is more reactionary.
Since people are asking, this data comes from the Manifesto Project ( ), and it's calculated by analyzing keywords in the content of 1,000 political parties' platforms stretching back to 1945.
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