All of the Questions I Have After Watching this Video: A Thread
1. What is the central concern here? That the ‘Gay Best Friend’ (GBF) is secretly straight, and the girlfriend is cheating? Or that an openly gay friend who is comfortable with his identity must display submission to the ‘straight’ narrator in order to maintain social order?
2. Is the girlfriend allowed to have straight male friends?
3. What if her best friend was her cousin. Would a DNA test need to be provided?
4. What if her GFB were secretly bisexual? How would you determine this?
5. What if her GFB was homo romantic but asexual? How would you determine this?
6. What is easier: having an honest conversation with your girlfriend about her relationship satisfaction, or demanding her GBF perform oral sex on you?
7. Is it necessary that the GBF display enjoyment of the act? Otherwise he could just be faking. How will his authentic enjoyment be assessed?
8. Do all straight men assume gay men have no standards?
9. Is oral sex a better assessment of homosexuality than other forms of sex?
10. Is he aware that demanding a gay man perform a sexual act in order to assess whether he his lying about his sexuality is at best sexual harassment and at worst sexual assault?
11. Why is he afraid to use the term ‘dick?’ Is it more vulgar than other terms he has used in the video?
12. Why is ‘(D)’ in parenthesis?
13. Does this man have a girlfriend?
14. Does this man’s girlfriend have a GBF?
15. Is demanding a man to pleasure you in order to ensure your girlfriend is not cheating on you not also cheating? How will he demonstrate his lack of enjoyment?
16. Is the narrator allowed to have female friends? If so, how does he demonstrate to his girlfriend that they are not having an affair?
17. Does the soda straw at the beginning of the video hint at an underlying oral fixation, perhaps a subconscious enactment of the narrator’s homosexual fantasy?
Please free to offer your own questions or insights regarding this important cultural artifact.
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