I don't get the appeal of silver.

It costs $100 to get $100 worth of silver. But for that same $100, you could get $100 worth of gold.

So why not just buy gold?
Haven't seen a single compelling reply to this.

Some responses along the lines of "you could say the same about $100 worth of apple vs. oranges" but no, those are consumption goods, for monetary preservation.

Others say "but silver can go up more" which is circular nonsense.
Some saying "you get more silver" but this is like saying that you should buy Venezuelan Bolivars instead of Swiss Franc because you can buy more of them. Doesn't make sense. Who cares about the nominal quantity of a previous metal.
This is another common reply. But

A) It's silver jewelery, so it's worse.
B) If what you care about is the volume of jewelry that's made, then you might as well use some non-precious metal that's far cheaper. https://twitter.com/ll_r_ps/status/1288810527536353281
Silver is cheap because in 678 B.C. under King Hezekiah the silver/gold ratio was established at 11:1
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