Four former Census Bureau directors just testified during this morning's House Oversight Committee hearing that President Trump's attempt to exclude undocumented immigrants from the #2020Census is unconstitutional. #NexstarDC
More than 60% of U.S. households have responded to the #2020Census and SCOTUS struck down the Trump administration's citizenship question so his memorandum to exclude undocumented immigrants from apportionment results may only have political ramifications. #NexstarDC
But the former Census Bureau directors stress COVID-19 is currently in control of the #2020Census process and President Trump's memorandum may throw off already troubled efforts to get a good count. #NexstarDC
House Oversight Democrats call President Trump's effort to exclude undocumented immigrants from apportionment results "dangerous" and "illegal," but Republicans argue "about 40% of people who are here illegally won't even be here for the next census." #2020Census #NexstarDC
"I have to beg off." When asked if he agrees with his predecessors that President Trump's memo appears to violate the Constitution and existing federal law, Census Bureau Director Steven Dillingham says he can't answer that but clarified he didn't contribute to it. #NexstarDC
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