Who am I?

[Mega Thread]


I'm JT.

I grew this account from 230 followers to 1600+ since Nov 2019.

Mostly helping others earn extra money online.

I've revealed parts of my story.

But you may be surprised by what you don't know yet.

Read to the end.
My parents got divorced when I was 7.

My Mom spiraled into alcohol addiction.


One time when I was around 11 years old, I came home from school just to see her passed out on the couch.

She was supposed to pick my Sister up from school.

I spent an hour trying to wake her.
She went in and out of her stupor.

Never enough to go get my Sister.

Eventually my Mom's therapist picked her up.

Soon after, Mom was headed off to rehab for the first time.

It would take 3 times total for her to get sober.
And Thank God she did...she's been sober the better part of 20 years.

Fast forward.

Went to college. Hated it.

So I joined the U.S. Air Force when I was 20 yo.

I didn't care for the job.

But I met some amazing people.

After 4 years of active duty, I headed back home...
But I wasn't headed there alone.

My soon to be wife was pregnant with our first daughter.

She was born in 2011.

We would have a son in 2015.

Meanwhile, I had landed the job I had worked for since I left college.
My Grandfather spent 35 total years as a police officer.

He's one of the toughest men I've ever met.

My respect grew with the stories my Dad would tell.

I admired his no fucks given attitude...from a generation that actually meant it.

So in 2011, I joined the police academy.
I wasn't the greatest cop.

But I was damn good.

Because I worked damn hard.

More importantly, I believed in the mission:

Help those who cannot help themselves against the world's evil.

That mean't felony cases and taking violent felons off the street.

And their guns.
After 7 years of nonstop "street work",

I landed a spot on a plain clothes unit.

Let me tell you...at times it was the best job in the world.

But things began to crumble.

The crumbling began in June 2018.

For the past two years I've struggled, fought, sacrificed, and struggled some more.

I know I'm not alone.

Everyone has a rock bottom.

Its just a matter if you ever manage to hit it.

These photos show just one result of mine.
So what about June 2018 & beyond?

That's what I'm going to share.

The pain, the struggle, the suffering.

And the excuses.

The bullshitting myself.

The poor decisions (there were many).

And how I started to shred the bullshit & take control of my life.
Ask yourself:

Are you broke, unfulfilled, or not achieving what you want?

Has your life's course been altered?

Are you truly living the best you can?

Or are you bullshitting yourself?

Making excuses?

Letting destructive habits destroy you?

Always feeling stuck?
Here's the cold hard truth:

All your success.

All your failure.


It ALL comes down to your daily habits & decisions.
I've spent 2+ years of deep work to discover this:

Once you set up a SYSTEM optimized according to your vision,

You eliminate the excuses & distractions that hold you back.

And you begin to achieve amazing things.
If you're ready to:

- Smash excuses

- Eliminate destructive habits & poor decision making

- Create a system that will transform your life into what you want

Join my email list.

Its called "Altered Course"

Click Here 👉 http://tinyurl.com/alteredcourse 

Start executing NOW.
You can follow @optimizedfocus.
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