Wow. This is a pretty bad idea on the part of the @washingtonpost, but it's also the logical extension of a certain kind of thinking—the reification of race leading to racial division. It was only a matter of time
That @washingtonpost would go to such lengths to classify races in such a deliberate, detailed matter should give any thinking person pause. Is it the end of the world? No. But changes like this reflect a worldview: a desire to solidify group identities over individual expression
Why do so many people insist on seeing us as mere representatives of a racial group? It's anathema to how many of us grew up and how our parents raised us. We were proud to be Arab or Muslim, but that wasn't everything we were. Because we were individuals and we had agency
The notion that "White is a distinct cultural identity in the United States" and a "collective group" is what white supremacists like to think about being white. Also, it's absurd that whites would be considered all one thing. Racial horseshoe theory really is upon us, I suppose
This is what too many of the new progressives want, however well-intentioned they may be. This is a project of racial division based on arbitrary, discredited constructs. It is anti-humanist, anti-liberal, and it makes a mockery of the notion that we are individuals in God's eyes
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