I have refrained from saying anything about @MikeSAdams suicide, but I think I must. He supported me when my life was threatened after I tweeted something about abortion (his tweets are below). He stood by me and didn't "cancel" me later after I was deplatformed by Con Inc. 1/9
When the mob came after Mike, it was horrific. I know what that's like. It happened to me when I made a feminist joke relating to my husband. I blew up and fired off a tweet, which brought the mob down even more. I need to tell you this not for sympathy but to explain why 3/9
we need to think twice about mob hits and canceling people in the midst of it, and deplatforming simply because you disagree with them or don't like how they said something. The attacks are heinous. When you lose everything you've worked hard for, it's even worse. 4/9
If you're predisposed to a mental illness (in my case I suffer from cPTSD from childhood abuse), it's overwhelming, even for a Christian, especially when everyone has abandoned you. Isolation is a killer. The night my husband was attacked by the mob and I reacted in anger 5/9
and then I was deplatformed by Conservative Inc. with headlines plastered from the New York Times to the UK Daily Mail, my PTSD kicked in and I broke down in an attempted suicide. The police were called and I was hospitalized for some time. I am ashamed of this 6/9
I probably shouldn't share it publicly because people are cruel, but you need to hear it. You need to know what isolation by mobs and canceling does to people. Mike was a good man but this overwhelmed him. I wish I had known his struggles, maybe 7/9
there could have been help for him. I don't know. But we need to think about what we're doing to people when we isolate, cancel, attack, gang up on in a mob, just because we're offended by their words, beliefs, or responses to those who are targeting them. 8/9
You might think people like me and Mike are weak, but we're in the fray, and we fight because we believe in truth. Evil hates that. It hates voices of light and seeks to take them out. It manipulates them, pressures them, and pushes them into corners. Don't add to it. 9/9
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