1. Putting aside pretty obvious weaknesses in this article, the main point of it was to encourage christians to be uncompromising on the gospel but flexible w/ cultural expressions. But what if your culture has been baptized & is made synonymous w/ gospel? https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/christians-forbidden-eat-blood/
2. I've spent close to 18 years in white evangelical spaces & I have heard more sermons than I can count on Christian liberty & how we have to open-minded culturally speaking, all while "white culture" was made synonymous w/ "church culture" & submission under it a gospel issue.
3. I do think the author chose a trivial theme to carry his article & article is weakr b/c of it, but I do believe the author was well intentioned & was truly seeking to get to something deeper. That deeper point often has no legs tho cuz "Whiteness" is made synonymous w/ church.
4. The way things play out is "white culture" is made to be "church culture", & all other cultures are then required to conform to "The gospel" and "the church" which is really conform to whiteness. Conformity is 1st while it appears this passage is being honored. This is common.
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