1. McConnell is insisting on a liability shield for businesses in the next COVID-19 bill to prevent "frivolous lawsuits"

THE TRUTH: he's proposing to protect corporations in virtually every circumstance, no matter how egregious the conduct

Let's review https://popular.info/p/ultimate-immunity
2. The first thing to understand is that its pretty difficult to recover for any injury in American courts.

Plaintiff's are responsible for proving the defendant was careless, their carelessness caused the injury, and the injury caused specific damages https://popular.info/p/ultimate-immunity
4. You can see why this would make any COVID-19 injury case VERY DIFFICULT to win.

How do you prove you contracted a highly-contagious virus in a specific location?

How do you prove it was the businesses fault and not because you didn't wash your hands? https://popular.info/p/ultimate-immunity
5. McConnell's bill takes this very difficult burden and makes it effectively impossible.

Plaintiff's will no longer be able to just prove negligence.

They have to prove "gross negligence" -- that the corporation acted consciously, knowing it would put people in danger
6. Plaintiff's couldn't just prove it was "more likely than not" that the corporation was grossly negligent. They would have to prove gross negligence by "clear and convincing evidence," one of the highest evidentiary standards. https://popular.info/p/ultimate-immunity
7. Even if somehow a plaintiff was able to do all that, a grossly negligent defendant could still win by showing it made "reasonable efforts" to comply w/government guidelines

Not that it complied with government guidelines, just that it gave it a shot https://popular.info/p/ultimate-immunity
10. The bill, in other words, makes COVID-19 litigation something that would be unlikely to something that is virtually impossible

This would create an environment where businesses would have an incentive to cut corners to save money https://popular.info/p/ultimate-immunity
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