What China watchers today never realize is that, many Chinese who are currently adamantly against US meddling are, in fact, humanists who at certain point in their life very pro America. I am one of them. https://twitter.com/Silmarillion88/status/1288413996102479873
The Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Speech, The Star-Spangled Banner, Mickey Mouse and Avengers, are all held very fondly within Chinese pop culture. Even Jiang Zemin used to recite the Gettysburg Speech by heart!
When I was a middle school student, I used to read
whatever I could find on democracy and freedom. Those readings struck me as vibrant and fresh, as if a different version of truth was suddenly poured onto my head. It was all-encapsulating, vigorous, self-correcting, compassionate..
Alas, only when I grew up and went into
society, did I start to realize that the real world was much more complex and people's motives were much more diverse. And unlike in school, there are really bad people and they don't have a barcode on their forehead. Instead, bad people often talk sweet and conspire behind.
The more I get to know society, the more I start to realize that what the mainstream narrative promises can't be true - because it's too good. And because empirically it does not match up. There are also first hand or other real life experiences which confirm this view.
What China watchers can't imagine is this: they have no idea the first feeling that struck people like me, seeing them spitting vile takes against China, is not anger or resent. It is disappointment. Deep disappointment in things promised so kind and lovely turns out vicious.
Who lost the few generations of Chinese people?
Not Trump. Not Bolton. Not those apparent crazies.
It is the freedom fighters, who have talked the talk, but walked the opposite way. It's their hypocrisy. Fin/
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