Here are our five main takeaways from our webinar last Friday, in which we launched our new insight report with @traversepeople @HealthwatchE @PPLthinks on the patient experience of remote and virtual consultations. #DrZoom.  👇👇👇 1/6
1) Remote care experiences are now very common place. Patients and users have learning to share- let’s co-produce better solutions #DrZoom 2/6
2) Good digital care is just good care: responsive, giving choice and control, sharing power and decisions, focussed on quality communication. #DrZoom 3/6
3) Digital exclusions is a real thing- and we need to stop just describing it and start actually doing something about it. Bespoke community-based support models need to be developed. #DrZoom 4/6
4) But remote or virtual care also can be more accessible- for people with disabilities, or whose jobs don’t allow time off for example. #DrZoom 5/6
5) This is a topic lots of people are thinking about- many want to understand the user experience better. Let’s coordinate our efforts. #DrZoom 6/6
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