The entire reason I am who I am today is because a group of people rejected Trump's thinking here. This is so enraging.I'm going to share my story.
When I was 5 my parents divorced; my father left. I'd grown up in a middle class town, Bedford, MA, and we had to leave our house.
My mom had to go on welfare - she was an immigrant and had never worked outside the home. So we didn't have a lot of options. But really fortunately for us, MA had created a program --if people set aside some housing for low-income people in suburbs, they'd get subsidies.
Apartments were built in Bedford -Bedford Village- and my mom was able to S.8 vouchers to rent there. So we were able to stay in this middle class town-with excellent public schools. If those nameless public officials never did that program, I would not have been
in those great schools that then allowed me to eventually go to UCLA and Yale Law. What Trump sees as brown people hurting the suburbs is my whole life opportunity wrapped up in a program. This is just one reason I fight these monsters.
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