I understand its really sad when a big West End Show closes, and not to diminish the many, many people it's disappointed / physically put out of work... BUT, I wish people would get behind new projects with the gusto they do the millionaire producers [1/4]
Squad Goals is a brand new, innovative show with TEN characters -- NINE brand new female parts. All of which will be double cast plus understudy ASMs. We have an all female creative team & a few of us from working class backgrounds. SO we do not have the revenue, but have [2/4]
spent days on multiple funding applications. We are one of a few exciting new projects popping up in this time. We are paying every single person involved. We are bringing theatre to an area & community with low cultural engagement but w/ links to LDN. [3/4]
If you have the time / means, please get behind brand new emerging projects & creatives. If you want to see this industry get back up & running as SAFELY as possible, we for one would be SO grateful of the support. There are many projects popping up, theatre is for EVERYONE [4/4]
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