Sri Vaishnava Acharya Prabhavam: This thread is dedicated to the illustrious lineage of Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya. Every now and then I will post interesting details about Sri Vaishnava Acharyas. Any corrections if any will also be done immediately.
Guruparampara Thaniyan : லஷ்மிநாத சமாரம்பாம் நாத யாமுன மத்யமாம்| அஸ்மதாச்சாரிய பர்யந்தாம் வந்தே குருபரம்பராம். ||
Meaning :This illustrious lineage starts from Lakshminatha himself and reaches the middle order between Sri Nathamuni and his illustrious grand son Sri Yamunacharya.
It is a popular misconception that Sri Vaishnavism starts from Ramanuja. Though he made substantial intellectual contribution through his brilliant exegesis, Sri Vaishnavism starts from Lord Vishnu from him passes through 12 Azhwars and reaches a middle order to Nathamuni.
Sri Nathamuni was a great Vishnu bhaktha in South India. He once heard a few Brahmins reciting the pasuram (couplet) of Sri Nammazhwar. He enquired about it from the Brahmanas whose verses are those? To which they replied 'Nammazhwar'. Learning thus. He recited those verses
12000 times. Nammazhwar became Pratyaksha to Nathamuni. Nammazhwar ordered him to all 4000 verses of the Nalayira Divya Prabhandham. Not only did he knew all the 4000 he also set it in particular tune. Nalayira Divya Prabhandham is also called Dramidoupanishad.
It is highly popular in South Indian temples (mainly Vaishnavitic). Prabhandhams are actually in accordance to the Sanskrit Vedas. Whatever is in the vedas could be found easily on these couplets. Not only are they beautiful poetry their ability to convey complex and abstract
Truths is unmatched. Thus Nathamuni was one of the founding fathers of an illustrious order which believed in Vishnu paratva.
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