My decision to quit drinking black coffee.
A thread.
I will never forget this day. Wednesday, 29 July 2020. I reached such a high blood pressure! 148!! (I didn't managed to capture it) it was bcs i drunk black coffee with too much portion!!!
I felt like almost died! My parents even wanted to take me to the hospital immediately. I never experienced such a huge effect after coffee like this before, since i love coffee. Insomnia and heartbeat fast were the only side effect and after all i was fine.
But today i'm not okay! I even drunk catopril (my dad's medicine to reduce high blood pressure) 😭 but it wasn't helping bcs my heartbeats and blood pressure still unnormal. It went up and down uncontrollable since i was panicking. I can't count how many times i checked it.
My parents left me for a while to buy me bananas and medicine, i was home alone and my anxiety getting bigger. I felt like my room was spinning and my hands can't stop shaking. I can't stop dzikir bcs i felt like i'm literally dying on the bed.
I was okay before i drunk that god damn coffee, i drunk it bcs i felt unfresh in the morning after i slept too much (bcs i had a flu symptons). I felt my dizziness gone after coffee and even watched some comedy videos. But when i was getting ready to go to family gathering with-
My dad, i felt my body so weird. Esp when i was take a bath.. it felt so light, and i can't feel my body properly when i touched it. My skin felt numb like it made of thick layers 😭 thank god i'm not falling down in the bath room! So i quickly checked my blood pressure and damn!
The caffeine strucked me. So i skipped the family gathering 😭 i felt bad! But it's better than looking like a zombie and passed out. My hand palm and foot palm can't stop sweating, i guess it has to do with my heart (yeah i really easy to feel tired bcs of my heart problem).
Thank god after struggling for 8 hours, the caffeine effect finally gone after i drunk lots of warm water (can't stop peeing for dozen times) and ate lots of bananas. My blood pressure went back to normal! I promise i will never drink black coffee anymore!
So half of my day spend with lying down and watching tv shows. I guess today i watched too much tv which is weird bcs i watched videos more on my laptop haha. I guess i'll skip fasting tomorrow bcs i still need more recovery :(
And i can't stop burping too! Damn my gastritis striked back. I feel so down since truthfully i'm a fan coffee, but my body hates it.
Gonna drop them here as my reminder.
My sister at work is the one who i told about my condition today :") she is really kind and funny tho. Making me less stress hahaha she said that i shouldn't eat too much bananas bcs i'll turn into a monkey 🙃 i wanna smack her hahah.
last morning i ate rice with fish floss (abon ikan),i'm the one who told my mom to add some sugar to make the taste less salty. I'm so proud bcs i can add an input :") then i didn't eat anything other than bananas. But now i'm eating rice and chicken curry bcs i felt better :)
I decided to drink coconut water to detox the coffee poison from my body. Now my heart start racing and i can't stop shivering... keracunan kopi memang sangat mematikan. I hope i feel better soon.
Just woke up from my sleep! Yes i managed to fall asleep 😭 the caffeine is gone! I guess i got a caffeine over dosage yesterday (bcs it's 01:39 am already) bcs my body wasn't feeling well and wasn't ready for the dosage of huge caffeine, that's why my body felt upset.
I'm glad i didn't go to hospital bcs i'm scared i will have to do some rapid or swab test cause i know i might be reactive bcs of my unfit condition. I hate the AC from the hospital rooms, they r too cold and i was having a shivering attack when my body fighting for the poison.
And my body did a great job, i managed to survive and continue living. I thought i passed away already. Alhamdulillah i still have a second chance.
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