My friend said "Guy give me babe na" and I initially thought he was joking. So he said it yesterday again in Yoruba "Baba fúnmi lomo naw mo fe marry ni next year seh ".This time he sounded a tad serious and I said okay, I gave him a handle of a lady I know on IG to follow up.
He came back today saying " the girl you gave me is a card carrying member of the Nigerian feminist movement 😂! I got lost! Bruh! What do you mean? He said "àní feminist lomo to fún mi 🤣(*in a Stern voice* "the girl you gave me is a feminist")
Being a feminist has nothing to do with relationship and or marriage. He replied that's for you, mio lè wá fe ọmọ tó má pin mi lemi ( I can't marry someone that would halt the free flow of peace in my life journey).
That was quite funny but then I respected his opinion and said okay o. As a trained sociologist, I do not see anything bad in being a Feminist. I personally support every feminist idea that corresponds with all the things I read in my George Ritzer's Sociological theory.
The ones that have no basis or that don't sit well with the phylosophical standpoint and the historical antecedent of feminism,I flag as inappropriate. The truth is if we go about Feminism the way it ought to be, there would be no men avoiding women who put Feminist in their bio
And would I blame men that have my friend's type of mindset? No! I feel that the current wave of feminists have really caused more harm than good. First by drawing women as victims and men as monsters. Secondly by making women feel that being a wife is a tool of oppression
Whether these things sit well with the standpoint of feminism or not, people don't care since even missandrists also parade themselves as feminists. The dent of man hating caused by the other movement is on "Feminism" and so, we can't blame men that avoid Feminists.
I feel that for a society like ours, it will only make more people demonize the idea of Feminism as though it was the real problem. Whereas, the real problem is the bandwagon cacaus that continue to ruin the fight for fairly balanced society.

Bros, will you marry a Feminist?
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