Anyone who is insistent they can live cheaply on healthy food is currently being an arsehole.
Sure you can eat a handful of pasta with 5p of onions, 40p of mushrooms, 40p of tomatoes and 5p of herbs and spices (yes, they said that last one). But 1 that's dull as fuck, and 2 that's not actually that nutritious.
Yes, you can buy a whole chicken in Tesco for less than £3. But when you get in after work at say 7pm, are you going to expect your children to hang about hungry for 1.5 hours while you roast it.
"Why do they only eat chips and burgers?" Well done on othering people there and also "they" don't. If you have to do shift work your eating is unstructured, sometimes you have time to prepare a wholesome meal. Other times you need to fill the hole and sleep.
I had a job where I worked 13 hour shifts, with 1.5 hour commute each way bookending it. I had 8 hours before I had to be back at work. Did I want to spend an hour preparing a delightful, nutritious meal? No, I wanted to sleep.
Want to limit obesity? End poverty. End zero hour contracts. Give people back the safety net of a functional welfare state. Money worries leads to mental health issues leads to unstructured eating leads to weight issues.
While I'm on this rant, cycling is great, but prescribing it when you haven't invested anything into proper cycling infrastructure doesn't help. Also, are you going to give people the time to exercise? Time is more expensive if you're on minimum wage.
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