Most school are planning for the hybrid reopening model in September - some in person, some live zoom, and some worksheets. These plans are so complicated that I don’t fully understand them. I have a PhD and can’t figure out what my kid’s school week will look like in September.
Each district spent weeks and weeks coming up individual plans, when one committee at the state or national level should have come up with basic boiler plate (based on level of local infection rates) that would have worked for most.
School administrators were clearly under pressure to please everyone — hence these complicated models — but in the end will please no one. I feel bad for those administrators.
Very little planning has actually gone into assessing learning slides and plans for remediation. Because childcare is the priority, not education.
My husband’s office sent around a memo asking workers whether they could return to the office, if they should open in the fall. None of the parents can go back.
My kid goes to a public school about 30 minutes away. (Out-of-district special ed) I have no idea if he’ll even get a bus. I might be driving back and forth to his school, for whatever days he’s there.
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