People will never get how narratives are harmful. It’s like how everyone ran with how “COVID wasn’t affecting the continent” early on.

That was completely untrue. Many local health specialists were worried early on with what may happen when cases became local to small countries.
More often than not, the fight for hyper visibility and hyper representation and acknowledgement is still a tool of Western empire, and not a panAfrican mindset in the spirit our Black academic forefathers intended or imagined. (My thoughts here).
I saw a great thread touching on this yesterday, but specific to Jamaica. I’ll go find it.

For the record, these are things that I am constantly evolving, learning, and expanding my perspective on. Me being 1st gen definitely informs my angle but I still have to do work here.
But there are a variety of reasons why I don’t just want us to sit here & be complacent with the work we do in the continent. Because plenty of people, even well meaning people, will stop short & tell you that that’s enough & that you shouldn’t challenge each other to do better.
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