Quit reducing the issue of healthy food accessibility to the cost of ingredients. There’s equipment and utensils. There’s fuel. There’s storage space. There’s transport. And there’s skills. All those things don’t come with a £1 bag of potatoes. It’s an expensive lifestyle change.
I think everybody can do a little better. But it’s a bigger lifestyle change than people think. I started out the same way; I made a lifestyle change because I wanted to eat better. It’s cost me a lot. Not just money, but years of self-led learning just to feel competent.
I wish we would stop pushing healthier food choices like they’re always easy. Making that change is effort and a long, upward slope. Not acknowledging that only alienates people further. I’m always real with my students about it; It is a lot of work, but it’s a wise investment.
Another theme I’ve encountered which locks a lot of people out of cooking: the fear of doing it wrong. Again, skills. A lot of my students are afraid to make new dishes or take a challenge because they think they will mess it up: wasted money, no meal and bruised confidence.
And one more thing: Inspiration. Have you ever struggled to think what to have for dinner? Imagine that decision when you've never travelled. Never eaten in nice restaurants. Never left your town. Never read a cookery book or a TV programme because the language is too upmarket.
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