We joined the #NoSafeSpaceForJewHate boycott of @Twitter. We’re now following up with something that’s equally important—sharing resources and stories from our collection that illustrate how antisemitism has led to appalling violence and murder.

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Our learning resources are a good starting point, as they explore the roots of antisemitism, Jewish life and culture before the Holocaust and the experiences of young Jewish people in Germany after Hitler came to power: https://bit.ly/2P4Ug80 

© IWM HU 60664
“We lived with antisemitismus, you know it was nothing new to us, because we were born with it. It’s not as if it just happened because Hitler came to power.”

The words of Holocaust survivors like Freddie Knoller provide haunting personal insights: https://bit.ly/2DaiOdl 
The story of Eva Clarke, who was born in Mauthausen concentration camp, shows the consequences of unchecked antisemitism and persecution. Find out more: https://bit.ly/30ZcSvI 
“Something had changed for me after I’d seen that camp. Although I’d seen the terrible things in war, to have treated ordinary people like this…” Sergeant Mike Lewis

This piece offers an outsider's view on the Holocaust from Allied witnesses: https://bit.ly/3f6W62Q 
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“We simply have to make sure that the young people know what happened in those days and indeed what is happening nowadays of course.”

Holocaust survivor Jan Imich on why we remember what happened and why we still have to talk about antisemitism: https://bit.ly/333t0is 
Thoughts echoed by Lili Pohlmann. Lili traveled to England from Poland as one of the Kindertransport children and spoke to us about her experience in January. You can hear more from Lili and access even more resources on our website: https://bit.ly/3g9qYRA 
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