1/n Realizations through 60 days of meditation

Cogito, ergo sum
I think therefore I am - René Descartes

Don't READ with the mind only.

You are not the body, you are not even this mind.

2/n Your mind resembles an uncontrolled horse. You are continually on an excursion which is chosen by your your mind. Which bring you into the future and past that create a misguided feeling of self, you can also say it EGO.
3/n Be that as it may, continue reminding yourself you are the rider who must watch the excursion, as a quiet watcher.

"You have it already. You just can't feel it because your mind is making too much noise, thinking has become a disease."
4/n In any case, On the off chance that you could disassociate yourself from your mind. In the event that you could forget the projection of self and could go into quietness, in the event you may discover yourself.
5/n Everything is here, there is no war between your self (rider) your psyche and the universe. You will liberate yourself from the oppression of your brain. The moment you begin watching as a thinker(rider), a more significant level awareness become Initiated
6/n As long as your egoic mind is running your life, you will think you are- mind, false self, possessions, status, recognition, personal and family history, belief systems and also your political, nationalistic, racial, religious & other Identification. BUT NONE OF THESE IS YOU
If you can understand how your mind playing with you , which is very difficult because the mind don't want you to realize you are more than your mind, because loosing mind implies loosing you, which is at some point inconceivable for some.
To get free you need to be free from everything, I am not saying by suppressing it but by getting libreation from it. I MEAN by discovering that mind isn't the only way to feel and experience everything.
Your mind can only experience what it knows. For example If someone never tasted sugar, at that point his psyche/mind can't create the sense of the flavor of sugar. Your psyche/mind can only make a simulation of what it knows.
You will locate the present moment holds the key of freedom. In any case, YOU can't find the present moment as long as you are your mind, you would think all the problem, craving and desiring of the mind is yours. But the moment you realize, the moment you get PRESENT.
You will go beyond every misery. You will be over each hopelessness. You'll resemble a lovely bloom that are not on edge about tomorrow but rather live easily in the NOW. You'll be like a beautiful flower that are not anxious about tomorrow but live with ease in the timeless
If you pass by a flower you may know the chemistry of its fragrance, that is one dimension of knowledge.
If you know the experience and ecstasy of that fragrance, that is another dimension of knowledge.
But, if you become the fragrance, that is knowing, that is aliveness.
Be available as the watcher of your psyche your mind who is enamored. Do everything with love and adoration, move and grin. Love will help you with experiencing with universe. Mind will limit your experience to your sense of self.
Welcome to the realm of mystic.
Jai shiva shamboo.

This thread is reminder for myself.

Hope you find it insightful.
Thanks for reading.

n =14.

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