Places to travel to before you die. ( A thread)
1. Santorini, Greece.
Santorini is one of the Cyclades islands in the Aegean Sea. It was devastated by a volcanic eruption in the 16th century BC, forever shaping its rugged landscape
2. Athens, Greece.
Athens is the capital of Greece The city is still dominated by 5th-century BC landmarks, including the Acropolis, a hilltop citadel topped with ancient buildings like the colonnaded Parthenon temple. Museums preserve ancient greek sculptures, vases, jewelry
3. Zanghye danxia in Gansu, China.
Zanghye danxia landform has the rainbow colored mountains, and they're definitely eye candy!
4. Hinatuan enchanted river, Phillipines.
A small river flowing towards the Pacific Ocean with the bluest of blue waters. There is a big hole like an abyss in the middle of the river where little fishes come out.
5. Colmar, France
The city is on the Alsace Wine Route, and local vineyards. Mediaeval architecture is well and alive in this fairytale city of france
6. Pamukkhale, Turkey.
Famous for it's natural thermal hot springs. I mean who wouldn't wanna have a bath here!?
7. Paris, France.
Well words can not describe the beauty and elegance of paris. It's magical.
8. Nevis swing, new zealand.
The world's highest swing at AJ haccket bungy is 525 feet above the canyon floor. I'd love to this
9. Northern lights in Tromso, Norway.
Tromso is known as the best point to view the northern lights. From early April to late August, the Aurora blazes over the dark skies of Tromso. What a beauty
10. Sea of stars, vadhoo island, Maldives.
site with a unique phenomenon of sparkling waters due to bioluminescent phytoplankton.
11. Bali, Indonesia
This beautiful island has iconic rice paddies, beaches and coral reefs. Who doesn't wanna visit?
12. Niagara falls, Ontario Canada
13.Devil's cauldron- Ecuador
This is a must visit waterfall and hiking spot
14. Waitomo glowworm caves, New Zealand.
Waitomo is a village on the North Island of New Zealand.Thousands of glow-worms light up the underground Caves. Seems like a great proposal spot
15. Luray caverns, Virginia
16. Snowqualmie falls, Washington state.
These waterfalls are straight out of a fairytale
17. Edinburgh, Scotland
Scotland's capital city Edinburgh is wat too beautiful to miss out on
18. Rome, Italy. Wanna feel vintage vibes? Interested in history? Or just wanna escape? What's better than Italy's capital, Rome.
19. Bora Bora, french Polynesia
Bora Bora is a small South Pacific island northwest of Tahiti in French Polynesia. Surrounded by sand-fringed motus (islets) and a turquoise lagoon protected by a coral reef, it’s known for its scuba diving.
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