I am sorry for everyone who is finding it as FUCKING AGGRAVATING as I am mainly middle class people discuss what and how you eat. It is like hearing dozens of people talking about you behind your back.
Even the ones defending "poor people" (why do I always hear that phrase spoken in my head like the speaker is wiping their hands) are managing to be patronising. "it's a matter of education". You think you have to have a degree to know salad is healthier than pizza?!?!?!?!?!
I don't know who needs to hear this but WORKING CLASS PEOPLE ARE NOT A HOMOGENOUS BLOB. The fact you think ALL FOOD THEY EAT is about to be made far too expensive for them and that middle class execs don't sit eating oven chips too tells me everything I need to know about you.
I was very poor growing up, but my Mum and Dad both worked on and off in kitchens and later my brother worked for a culinary supplier so we always had a good mix of treats, easy meals and healthy food.
I also know brill Carribbean cooks in Birmingham who manage to rustle up amazing seafood feasts out of their tower block kitchens and their big shop at Aldi.
and I also know kids who used to come to school with blackened and rotting milk teeth because their parents didn't know how much sugar they were feeding them/couldn't afford not to rely on fruit shakes and pop.
it's a rich tapestry, isn't it! What most of those people have in common though is that they can't afford gym membership and generally can't find the time or energy to exercise as well as working and bringing up kids. You try going for a run "first thing before work" on shifts.
most don't have gardens, loads don't have ovens, lots don't even have the internet to look up recipes, some don't have cars so they can't do bulk shops and have to buy whatever they can from a corner shop or little Tescos.
working class lives are like that because quite frankly it suits all rich people, including the middle classes, to keep them like that. Part of the way that's done is denying working class people voices about LITERALLY OUR OWN BODIES AND DIETS.
if you want to start defence tweeting because bloody Ennunciata Rees-Mogg has been deliberately trolling you then why not instead just RT a working class person, or god forbid actually just shut up, because it's none of your business what poor people eat, full stop.
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