I'm back! Although interesting to see that 2 of my fellow Jews, Rob Harris & David Conn, didn't feel the need to support the #NoSafeSpaceForJewHate boycott. When the chips are down, who certainly find out who your friends are & you wouldn't want these 2 with you in the trenches.
I used to have the utmost admiration for Conn but he's shown himself up to be a bitter, pathetic individual since the CAS judgement was published. He writes for the Guardian, whose legendary owner & editor CP Scott declared "Comment is free, but facts are sacred".
In his 2 articles, Conn has shamelessly twisted the facts to suit his agenda. He was a trained lawyer yet tried to insinuate there was something underhand about the Etisalat sponsorship contract being finally executed in 2015 and (to use his own word) "backdated" to 2012.
He completely ignores the fact that CAS's judgement clearly states that the original Heads of Agremeent was signed as early as 2010 and was legally binding. It's quite common for this to happen in contract negotiations while the exact terms are agreed. "Facts are sacred".
He (like others) makes great play of the fact that CAS agreed that certain matters were time barred, yet ignores the core finding of CAS that there was no evidence that ADUG ever paid any of the sponsorships. "No evidence"was repeated a number of times in the CAS judgement.
Even if they hadn't been time barred (& UEFA knew they were yet used a bizarre argument to try to bring them in) the CAS examination of the allegations that weren't time barred showed there was "no evidence" that ADUG funded any part of them. "Facts are sacred" David.
He ignores the fact, which CAS didn't, that the original email used by Der Spiegel was dated 2010, before FFP as even in force. CAS noted that neither Der Spiegel or UEFA produced any evidence to show that this arrangement continued after 2011 when FFP started. "Facts are sacred"
Conn himself even did an article based on a tweet of mine, that ADUG were not the source of the Etihad sponsorship. This was based on a document filed as part of the Open Skies case involving Etihad. It was there, in a New York court, in black & white. "Facts are sacred".
Maybe it's the fact that Conn and former GM at FCUM Andy Walsh are mates and that any impartial, objective article would mean he'd have to highlight & criticise some of Walsh's actions? Never thought Conn was frightened of telling the truth. Facts are sacred, after all.
The other part of that "Facts are sacred" quote is "comment is free...." Yet Conn, who's never been scared to criticise leading figures in the game, never allows comments on his articles. He is, in effect, a craven coward, prepared to preach his bias, but not to listen.
The sad thing is, CAS was critical of Der Spiegel, who highlighted just 6 emails out of 5.5m documents hacked from City. Conn said to me at the time that there was no smoking gun in those emails. He knew even then it was a desperate attempt to make something out of nothing.
Der Spiegel shamefully doctored two emails to make them look worse than they were, as part of presenting what I'd always said (correctly according to CAS) were emails taken completely out of context and used selectively. Yet no word of criticism from him or any other over this.
Not only that, but he & his colleagues have done the same thing, cherry picking the parts of the judgement that bolster their agenda and ignoring the bits that don't. You'd hardly know City were comprehensively cleared of the main & most serious charges from their articles.
They've done exactly the same thing that CAS censured Der Spiegel for - being selective and failing to provide the full email chain,, cherry-picking the ones that suited them. He and his peers are, to use Nye Bevan's famous phrase "lower than vermin".

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