1. Far-right extremism has been intellectually terminated in the uk, thankfully. That's not to say it doesn't exist, it does. But whenever it rears its racist intolerant head, civil society, authorities and institutions oppose it unanimously. It no longer gets a seat at the table
2. Things can regress however, which is why it's important to keep challenging/rejecting the bad ideas/violence of the far-right. It's also why we need to apply the same standards to the current rise of far-left extremism
3. The far-left in recent years have succeeded in bringing about a return of racial identity politics, dividing & defining people by skin colour. They have advocated political violence & criminal damage in service of their goals. And they have enjoyed mainstream support for it.
4. Were these sort of behaviours/tactics employed in the service of far-right goals, we'd know exactly how to respond to it. But we appear to be asleep at the wheel when it comes to far-left extremism. And it's because of this that it's now spread unchecked
5. When reasonable people refuse/fail to keep the extremists and bad ideas in check, it leaves the stage open for a resurgence from the opposite side of the coin. Some will advocate white nationalism as a sensible response. And some will accept the offer. This would be a tragedy
6. The solution? Reject identity politics and collectivism from both sides. You are not solely a skin colour, gender, sexual orientation or class. You are an individual. The right to be considered as such was hard-fought, so don't give it up to the ideologues who wish to divide
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