My brother and I were lifting together tonight, and we got talking about the (worldly) culture we live in.

He asked, “What do I say if someone comes at me asking why I hate them?”

I thought I’d share here what I shared with him. FWIW.

First, only engage with those with good-faith.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t thinking about what @GMillerJr shared in a recent Faith in 4 episode on his podcast.

If there’s not good-faith there, nothing meaningful is going to be accomplished.

Like Paul teaches,

“Foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes.”

You’re just going to get yourself riled up and drive away the Spirit in the process, not to mention waste time that could be spent better elsewhere.

Second, be *for* something rather than *against* something.

The accusation you’re made to answer for will probably be framed the other way - you’ll be asked to defend a position taken *against* something or someone.

But that’s not quite right, is it?

“That’s a good question. You see, we believe in an *eternal* identity, and in a *eternal* purpose behind our life here on earth. When we sin, that purpose gets frustrated, so it’s important that we follow the path - to happiness, eternal families, and exaltation...”

Third, don’t sweat it if someone is not elect.

And remember, that’s our calling - to gather the *elect*. If someone doesn’t accept the message, it simply means that they’re not elect (yet).

That was the idea behind this thread here

Trouble is, we don’t know who is elect and who isn’t, so we invite everyone! We are the Lord’s hunters and fishers, searching mountains, hills, and holes in rocks.

If they are elect, they will recognize the Savior’s voice.

So that was my advice to him. Hopefully it will be of worth to you.

1. Engage only in good-faith discussions
2. Be *for*, rather than *against*, something
3. Recognize that the elect recognize the Savior’s voice
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