PORTLAND: If you smell chlorine while wearing a properly-fitted respirator, it means you’re absorbing liquid through your skin.

They could be misting you with the hypochlorous acid (“chlorine water”) used for cleaning jail cells.

It reacts with the ammonia in your sweat.
With a properly-fitted respirator and a **gas cartridge**, you shouldn’t smell *anything*.

A “chlorine” smell is actually that of chloramines, specifically trichloramine.

Chlorine reacts with with ammonia to produce that “pool smell”. Sweat makes it worse.
If you’re wearing a P100 cartridge for particulates only, then it will work against most tear “gas”.

CS, CN, and CR “tear gas” are not gas, they are aerosols (fine droplets or fine powders).

But CR can also deployed as an aqeuous solution, from water cannon or backpack sprayer.
Here is what a backpack or knapsack anti-riot sprayer device looks like.

Chinese riot police use these. If you see feds wearing something this, they’re spraying you with a fine mist of aqueous solution.

If it’s worse when you sweat, and if it makes you puke: it’s probably CR.
Here’s a picture of a Fed wearing a knapsack spraying device in Portland.

The “chlorine smell” is odd, though — not a reported side effect of dibenzoxazepine (CR) exposure.

Which is why I wonder if they’re using disinfectant.

CR should be VERY painful on skin, immediately.
Write down the date / times / locations of exposures: what you saw, smelled, and heard.

Keep a log of your symptoms, with photos and medical records.

Bag, freeze, label your used gas mask filters (while wearing gloves and gas mask).

Treat clothes worn as contamination hazard.
The leading manufacturers of the chemical weapons currently being used against veterans, journalists, and soccer moms in Portland are US-based.

The main manufacturing plant of the leading teargas manufacturer in Pennsylvania has one road in, one road out. https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1287997678316425217?s=20
The amazing researchers at @WorthRises published a detailed report exposing over 3,900 companies that are involved in the #PrisonIndustrialComplex.

These companies make a profit from torture and mass incarceration. Explore your city's data here.

Reports from #PDX: “Spoke to someone on the ground for the last couple nights and said the yellow gas hit way harder and burned his skin immediately”

✅ CR “gas” (dibenzoxazepine)

me: “Did it smell sweet, almost pleasant?”

#PDX: “Yeah!”

✅ CR “gas”

used during The Troubles
To protect from skin irritation caused by chemical agents, Hong Kong protesters learned to wrap their skin with plastic cling wrap — especially exposed areas of face and neck.

Clothing makes an ineffective barrier by itself. Ask where on their body people are getting burned. https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1287125650092957696
If a person wanted to turn any leafblower into a powerful misting sprayer, they could buy a $35 attachment called The Mosquito Sniper.

PERFECT for dealing with those invasive pests which invade Portland at this time of year.

Clean your respirators regularly. Replace your filter cartridges regularly. https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1288512789535813633
Keep track of ALL new symptoms: respiratoy, skin, hair, vision, hearing, taste, smell, digestion, menstruation https://twitter.com/rjaellis/status/1288493657322999808
You can follow @chadloder.
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