Kepada lecturer yang suruh students dia create content dan upload di YouTube.

DAN students perlu dapat X amount of views.

DAN viewership is 30% of carrying marks.

Pertama sekali. Has our academic field turned into a popularity contest?
Okay I tak marah tau. This is in itself a discourse (of sort).

And I tak kecam your students. Bagus they all ni ada inisiatif.

Kalau I pun spam je lah link pada content2 tengah trending. Supaya I get the views for "good grades".

Who doesnt want good grades?
Tapi dia jadi tak best bila students start DM & willing to pay me for reviews to get higher views.

(Again not their fault. For grades i pun sanggup)

I wonder what happens to students yang takde duit?

And this is my 5th encounter from different Unis ya. This week alone.
Before that, some academicians require show of legitimacy so I can be taken seriously. Which is fair.

Hi saya Haze. I produced for TV for 4-ish years. YouTube 1 half-ish years.

Academic wise, let's just say I'm one of those alumnus with CGPA to proof. My batchmates can atest.
Sambung. Okay lah cuba bersangka baik. Mungkin itu kelas multimedia ke, social media ke, mass comm ke.

Mungkin tajuk research dia "Getting Views On Social Media The Hard Way" ke.

I paham.

Tapi bila tengok, ada students Chem, Engine, Medic. Many science subjects. Relevance?
Another student bagi link. I pun tengok lah.

Dengan thumbnail tak menarik. Title video tu pun tak searchable (Course code as title ya)

I pun advise lah untuk tukar.

Rupanya, lecturer yang uploadkan & set all those.

Pastu nak letak viewership to student's grades. 😑
I understand you are trying to be innovative. I respect that.

Who ever you are I am sure you do it for your students' best interest.

But based on my observations lecturers pun tak faham how these things work.

I.e. Kena dpt 7k views for 30% marks. Ingat senang? Aiyo kesian tahu
Youtubers pun pecah kepala discuss amongst ourselves when it comes to YouTube algorithm.

Dan bila you letak syarat views tinggi = grades, seperti bermain nasib je untuk dapat markah akademik.

Kalau title pun lecturer letak course code, part tagging tu entah letak entah tak.
Kpd students yang kena assignment macam ni here's a quick fix.

1. Title make it searchable & interesting. Dan terasa cam nak tekan.

2. Part tagging tu tag as much as possible. Tapi related lah. Ko berbual pasal logam tetiba letak "najib" tak jadi jugak
3. Part description tu type as much with searchable keywords. So orang dapat cari you through google.

Research "search engine optimisation".

Lecturer awak tak faham yang kalau upload ke youtube these days is like throwing a needle into a haystack.

Your videos will be buried.
4. Thumbnail tu catchy skit. Cantik sikit. Tengok thumbnail youtubers lain buat macam mana. Pakai Picsart senang. Free je.

5. Sila spam comment tweet ni dengan link videos korang.

Yang menjual barang ko promote kat tweet lain dulu. Harap faham ya.
6. Ko bagi link tu kat family & friends suruh run on loop je dekat device masing-masing.

Lastly teachers, nak guna youtube as part of fun learning please do so.

I galakkan sangat.

But dont grade. It sends a wrong message.

The mind shouldnt be measured by social acceptance.
You can follow @hazemanhuzir.
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