The Gendered Brain theory is very tempting for young trans people. I understand.

It feels validating to say you were born with the brain of your correct gender.

But brains are not binary.

There is not a man brain and a woman brain.

Gender is still part of your brain.
There is the belief that men are just naturally more logical and better at math, because of their man brains.

Women are better at social and emotional work.

This just happens naturally and is not affected by society at all, according to people who are wrong.
Studies of brains did find some differences in brains between men and women. But, there is often more varience between any individual of the same gender than between men and women as a whole

Meaning brains are all really different. Trying to catagorize them by gender doesnt work
But, there are some differences in the brains of men and women.

This is not based on some inherant gendered differences, but the different experiences that people have because of gender.

Every experience we have changes our brains.
You don't have to be born with a "male brain" for your gender to be valid as a man.

Whatever gender you are, that's what gender your brain is.
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