I can't believe that as an teacher I'm being told I am now a healthcare worker. I can't believe that along with bloodborne pathogen training I will now be trained on temperature taking, Covid symptoms, and maybe even contact tracing. I can't believe scrubs are being recommended
Look, I am not ashamed to say I'm pretty damn intelligent. I could have studied pre-med and applied to med school (I do have a master's in bio!). Guess what? I didn't because I pass out at the sight of blood, I can barely handle vomit, and hospitals make me shake.
I LOVE teaching and I'm pretty good at it. I have never, ever considered leaving teaching. I've never had any interest in being an admin or leaving the classroom in any way. This summer? Teaching seems a lot less appealing.
I don't care how much grit (🙄 ) kids have- even high schoolers will struggle to learn when their teachers are dressed like healthcare workers in masks and shields and scrubs.
And what about teacher mental health? How can we educate students when we need to monitor masks and social distancing, make sure everyone washes their hands enough, clean constantly, and somehow manage our own stress about doing all of this stuff we aren't trained for?
At no point in my teacher prep program was I told I'd be forced to be part of an experiment that might kill or permanently damage me, my students, or my colleagues.
I can't attend a Broadway show, a movie, or a concert. I have to wait on line to get into Trader Joe's. There is no indoor dining in NJ. Why are we opening schools and using staff and students as subjects in an experiment?
I have never been this stressed about my job. Never. I run active shooter drills with my high schoolers and they stress me out, but reopening schools in a pandemic is a whole new level of stress.
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