Of the biology of class and caste - Or why your system will always suck

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First we will push aside the question of whether class and hierarchy are a true concept, or are necessary, the question is how to do class and hierarchy properly. I'll spoil it right now; it's all about breeding.
First let's differentiate between biological and legal/societal hierarchies. They influence each other, but they are quite distinct and have different implications for the individual.
Hierarchy and class have their ultimate root in very primal biological processes and imperatives
Do not forget that men are animals, more specifically they are highly social predatory mammals. As such you can compare them and their structures to other animals that fit this description.
Our earliest pre-tribal hierarchies, even the base family unit is itself an echo of a pack, or perhaps a troop as they are called when discussing primates.
Just as biology laid the foundations for biopsychological imperatives for the sexes (deep gender roles, not to be confused with superficial gender role ie cultural gender roles), so too biology laid similar foundations for the way we organize, both in the micro and macro sense.
It is undeniable that we organize in a stratified way, and no matter how much we try to enforce a horizontal spread, it tends to become more vertical, more pyramidal, whether we want it to or not, because despite what many people want to believe, men are not made equal.
They have different gene expression, for example, and this has consequences across the entire board of what would be the human experience. What's important is the question of how to guide it well into a state of dynamic improvement, and not one of degenerating stagnation.
Now what do I mean by well? I mean it in a eugenic sense, in a truly biological sense. It should promote good breeding and human biodiversity. Because these are very important things in a healthy population. And I do mean health at every level here, not just physical.
What does this mean in a practical sense? It means class mobility, but not empty class mobility. Class mobility for those that can and should move up or down. Every person in the human ecosystem, in this human anthroposphere has a place and role ultimately rooted in biology.
Now in a truly natural and biologically laissez-faire environment where there are no “artificial” system-made selection pressures, there is a constant cycling of the upper class. An endless cycle with cycles within cycles, all part of larger cycles and so on and so forth.
To make a long and nuanced story short, humans breed and make better humans which in time overtake them, and they too give way to their superior offsprings when the time comes. And with each rotation the general quality goes up. For that to happen there must be no closed class.
This is where the concept of social/legal class and hierarchy comes into play. It is practical, certainly, for the running of a complex society, but it has a shelf life. How long, just like in any system involving humans, depends entirely on the stock of human participants
And if you were to take a superb biologically high-caste bloodline for example, and make its bearers the closed upper class of an ethnos, you've pretty much doomed that bloodline to absolute and utter degeneration.
Because it will naturally work in its own interest as per human biopsychological instincts and give positions of power to as many of its members as possible. Even if said member doesn't belong in the upper class.
And these members will obviously breed, and they will breed a lot, and often through bad breeding decisions, which in turn will create lesser branches of this bloodline. Putting the available upper class genepool in jeopardy.
Now we must assume, by virtues of similar biopsychologically-driven imperatives, that there will be the creation of a legal system to protect that bloodline's power, whether this bloodline still has the biological credentials to rule or not.
This creates a system-driven selection pressure in your upper class. Where you do not select a mate based on them being biologically high-caste, but rather on them being legally/socially high-caste, that is having the right name/resources.
If you perpetuate this sort of breeding you take a superb high-caste bloodline and transform it into a biological aberration, a degenerate version of itself very very quickly.
And as per the legal/societal class system that is established you can't naturally and smoothly inject it with "good" blood until it rights itself because your class genepool is locked behind legal definitions and barriers that exclude the participation of biological high castes.
Such a reversal process would also take a considerable amount of time because it's very easy to screw up a bloodline, it just takes one mating to introduce debilitating traits into a bloodline that will take a few generations to be stamped out.
You need to remember that there is a system, a society, surrounding all of this. So time is not on our side here. As this degenerated upper class starts to put stress on the system and creating strains and disharmonies within it.
What happens next is the historical version of a pruning of the upper class; revolution. Your upper class cycles, but in a violent and/or dramatic way as the old upper class follows the biopsychological imperatives to stay on top. While the upstarts will leverage their resources
The problem lies in the fact that while blood is cycling, the system that it moves in sits in place and slowly continues to rot without the general bloodline quality improving. Instead all it does is pull bloodlines through its rot and severely damage bloodlines.
This is similar to the concept of IQ shredders, but with different mechanics.
This is why after populist revolutions the plebs who were promised freedom from an upper class just get a different upper class and these cycles continue at the general detriment of the ethnos.
So far we have discussed upward mobility, but there is a strong need for downward mobility. A truly good hierarchy would have a correlation between biological caste and legal caste, or rather not correlation, but union; one should always mean the other.
And so, when your legal high caste offspring isn't biologically high caste, it should be moved down to a caste more appropriate for it. In the same way that an offspring from a legal lower caste, but with the biology of a high caste individual should be moved up to the high-caste
This gives us a very smooth cycling with every member of the ethnos doing what they are meant to be doing. To the point where the concept of a hard legal caste vanishes, as it's a bad concept for the long-term quality of the ethnos.
One might argue that just being able to breed is a great success and is enough, but I disagree.
Just breeding doesn't make you a darwinian success, especially when your ability to breed comes at the cost of sacrificing offspring quality.
This is why being sexually successful in an environment where selection pressure is system-driven doesn't really mean jack because if you yoink your offsprings out of the system, they will most likely fail. So I dismiss any argument that stems from this point of view.
Call this dharmic genetic hyperracism if you wish.
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