#YangGang In light of recent events, you deserve to know the truth. This truth is harrowing and sensitive. And due to being outed and betrayed by someone whom I thought was a friend. It's best if you hear it straight from the horses mouth. Bit of a thread but stay with me...
...There are many types of OCD in the world and it comes in different forms. Mine is of an intrusive thoughts and false memory variety. My OCD is called #POCD which is pedophile ocd. NOW KEEP IN MIND those suffering from this ARE NOT PEDOPHILES!!! These thoughts sicken and...
...distress them to NO END! And yes i have had false memories of a horrific and disgusting nature and during this time I have went through hell unlike any other...I can't put it into words how terribly painful it was. Through the help of my mother and the internet I came to...
...the realization of what I have and that those memories are false. Through time, I have been combating these thoughts and have begun healing. I have been better at forcing these thoughts out. As such, I have been becoming a much better person over this 5 year trial...
You have no idea the courage it took to post this....I BET YOU CAN SEE WHY
But I never have and never will abuse children. EVER!
Now I'm gonna take a small break from Twitter...as you can imagine. Not been the best day in the world for me. Just need some time to sort things out.
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