Please don’t allow a horribly staged, alt-right propaganda video distract you from the fact that every other developed nation on the planet found a way to get the pandemic under control while our government politicized public health, called it a hoax, silenced the scientists.
played some golf and still somehow found time to convince 39% of America that all of this would just disappear, while the rest of us were forced to sit on the sidelines and watch 150,000 Americans die.
Don’t let a fake press conference draw your attention away from the reality of our constitution being shredded by secret federal agents who tear gas our mothers, pepper spray our vets and make our protestors disappear all while silently patrolling the streets of American cities
Don’t let anecdotal stories from strip center pediatricians take your attention away from the failures of a weak man that craves civil war, sends well wishes to sex trafficking pedophiles, calls white supremacists “very fine people,” separates families, puts kids in cages.
Don’t give power to a fringe media outlet that was built by a hateful man who worked for the president and once said that we should wear the label “racist” as a badge of honor.
Breitbart isn’t real. It is a propaganda machine, built by racists, propped up by neo-Nazis and trumpeted by panicked bigots who are rapidly losing their stronghold in American society.
This is yet another chapter in the authoritarian bible. This is how empires crumble and tyrannical regimes rise.
Don’t fall for it.
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